Redditors who saved all of their money at a young age instead of "living", and now are 50+ years old, how are your lives today? Do you regret your life choices when it comes to the money aspect?

Invested... is what I'm picking up on. The problem is people THINK they work harder than anyone else and rarely admit an advantage.

I'm guessing you weren't born with the god given ability to invest. So you had a mentor? Rich relative? Buddy in finance? Maybe you work in finance. At some point you had an advantage over someone who doesn't have a "mind for money" and by that I mean someone who doesn't think in numbers. Sure maybe they are lazy or drink Starbucks, that is why OP posted bc It's a reality, not everyone has made it a priority, they don't have an advantage or it doesn't come naturally.

I'm obviously one of those people hence my salty post. I want you to admit you have an advantage to validate my reasoning. Be honest... you can make anything you want up as a reply, but be honest.

Maybe you scratch every penny, maybe you eat cans of corn for dinner and make 3 pots of Coffee on the same grounds. I respect that, but if you have some advantage you are hiding behind and banging the hard work and discipline drum... come clean.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent