Redditors who were on the fence about having children, what was the deciding factor to have a family (or not). How do you feel about your decision now?

When I was 18, I had an abortion. But I also made a deal with myself that if I ever got pregnant again, I would keep it, because I didn't want to have another abortion. (I am all for the right to choose, but it was a depressing experience, I don't regret it, but it makes me sad I was in that situation) about a year later I ended up pregnant again, and keeping true to myself I kept it. The guy wasn't ready and "disappeared" for a while. When it was officially confirmed it was his he stepped up and has helped me raise our son. We worked through our issues and got back together. But, once we did, all of a sudden his parenting has fallen on me. I changed the diapers, I got up in the middle of the night, I had to potty train, I have to be the first one up in the morning, I have to have everything ready and him and myself if we go anywhere. If we don't have something like extra clothes and he has an accident, that's my fault. If he gets sick, that's my fault. If he acts out, that's my fault because I'm not disciplining enough. His reasoning for his lack of parenting is because "I'm so close to being done with my degree. Once I'm done I'll help you more" I'm really tired. And the exhaustion causes me to have a bad attitude which he constantly says is a turn off and unattractive. But he still can't make the correlation between his lack of help and my bitchiness. He recently told me I am "sufficient for him and I meet the minimum requirements." How am I supposed to take that? I never exactly wanted kids, I mean, maybe one or two. But now? After everything I have stated, and gone through, I don't want anymore. I'm fine with one. I love my son, but if I knew what I know now, I don't think I would have gone through with a paternity test. My feet are firmly on the side of the fence that wants no more children, even if I were to not stay with his father.

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