Reddit's Political Leanings in 2015 [OC]

Nah. I'm 31 and I can say that this generations 20 year olds are smarter and harder working than past generations. Sure some of them are stupider than we've ever seen before. But that's not the ones out posting and working in support of Bernie. I don't know what those dumb asses are doing with their spare time, but it's certainly not doing campaign work to support their favorite presidential candidate.

Think about it this way. This generation knows that 30% of current jobs will be replaced by robots by 2025 and they will be the least qualified humans in the job market when it gets tight. The competition they face for scholarships, colleges, academic programs and jobs will be greater than any generation before them. They're the ones who will be taking 15 dollar an hour jobs with 50 thousand dollar degrees. I don't think that makes them "slacktivists" when they can clearly see that the economy is configured to allow most wealth to float to the top percent.

These 20 year olds didn't learn their life lessons like the 20 year olds from the 60's 70's and 80's. Most of them either grew up with divorced or at least one absent parent. The majority of them learn things from online articles and forums. They haven't been allowed to learn from their mistakes. New laws are made daily to put more people in jail and to allow younger and younger people to be arrested and tried for crimes that are often clearly just nothing more than stupid mistakes. Then they have that follow them for the rest of their lives. Limiting their choices in life.

They know that the majority of them will never be as successful as children born to rich families no matter how much harder they work. All they want is to be guaranteed a few basic human rights that the private sector no longer seems interested in providing in exchange for an honest day's work. The focus of most major companies now is to increase the bottom line rather than to help their workers. I spent my 20s in factories working the night shift while getting through college. Working for a temp service and bouncing from factory to factory as they were slowly going out of business. I listened to stories the older crew would tell about how they went to work right out of high school. Worked hard, had health insurance, bought brand new hot rod cars, and moved out on their own by the time they were 20. Bought their houses for 45 thousand dollars. It's just so not the same world.

It urks me to see any large group of people generalized and dismissed without listening to their pleas. "Oh they must be freeloaders if they support socialist programs. They must be young and have a grip on the real world that is fleeting at best." Well no. They are a large group of people that no longer trust big business and big money. They see their government is held in the hands of large corporations. And they feel like there is finally someone who can break their country free. And even if they were the young generation then that doesn't make them stupid. They can see what's happening. They've lived through these horrible trends. They are the victims of corporate greed. And you are a fool if you dismiss them as ignorant.

The fact is... most Trump supporters actually really have the same issues. They're having trouble meeting their basic needs and they can see how bad things have become. But for some reason the refuse to blame the rich. They want to idolize the rich. They have memories of the upper class creating jobs and supporting their families. And they identify with the upper class when they say "well we could make it for cheaper in China." So they get mad at China. They get mad at Mexicans for working for less here in America. They get mad at our school systems, not because they didn't teach enough science, but because they didn't teach enough religion. They're grasping for solutions just like Bernie supporters are. And all their anger and all their rage at how far the country has fallen after all their years and generations of hard work is being redirected against many of the wrong things.

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