Registered Sex Offenders of Reddit, what's your story?

Broke up with a girlfriend when I was 24. After years of struggling with mixed emotions I came out to her. She concluded that I must be interested in her 5yo nephew. Basically threatened to have me put in jail if I didn't stay with her. I told her no way. Five months later, I was arrested at work. Bonded out and tried to come up with a plan.

The stress was incredible being out and losing my job, apartment, moving back home (I had finished college), and losing my mom. Dad was losing the house -- he basically shit down after Mom passed. I did contract work for three months, third shift. All I did was send money to an attorney, it sucked. He told me for $50k I would be out of it. I didn't even make $45k a year. The lawyer had me add a mortgage to my family home. I gained wait, became a recluse, was miserable and had nightmares.

At my very first disposition hearing I took the first offer, two years of house arrest and probation/therapy. I was at least going to save my career. I needed to work, I didn't want to waste the degree I worked so hard for. The girlfriend knew I wanted to work as an Imagineer -- so that opportunity was gone. Even with no conviction. I asked my family and they were all worried if it went on much longer I'd die. Suicide was a daily thought.

I should have held out. I should have fought for my rights. The scarlet letter didn't affect me much. I got a job within three weeks and have worked consistently for 15+ years. Finished house arrest without issue, did every day of 2 years. Did over 11 years of therapy and graduated the program, I'm one of the very few who did before his probation was up. I got a little relief at the end of my probation, was put on non-supervised probation for the last 18 months.

Started my own company, after three years I merged with another company and I'm one of the Directors. I still have to register every time I travel. I deal with the legalities and always follow the rules. Life is fine. It took years to get my head right and trust people. I date selectively, and I have the truest friends. Family and friends helped me to survive. I know I'm not perfect, but I did not do the crime. The biggest fuck you to her was to live an amazing life, complete with a great career.


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