Get rekt my brother! Should have stopped asking to play knee hockey with me!

It wasn’t a head hit,

Do you remember when Laine got blasted at center ice by Jake McCabe? If not, go look up that hit. Laine got hit hard and clean coming across the middle, he didn't get hit in the head and when he lands on the ice it was mostly on his back. He still had a bad concussion.

Lots of players can get concussions even though a hit isn't right to the head. I know a women's player who abandoned her career (could have probably done D1 NCAA) due to concussions she received before getting to college.

I know you're not hitting like guys in the show are hitting. But just because it wasn't a head shot doesn't mean a concussion isn't possible. It's good that if your mom is a doctor, she's monitoring it, but unless she's doing CT scans or full neurological tests, she may not be getting a full accurate diagnosis. Most people here are just saying that it's foolish to rule it out so completely, considering the possibility of long-term consequences.

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