Remember before the "smoking ban," people said that bars would go out of business? What happened with that?

I don't like loud music. It can cause permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, and it's just really annoying. So I just don't go to bars that have really loud music.

So, for my entire life I have made the personal decision to not go to bars with loud music. It was really that simple.

If you don't like being around people smoking indoors, all you need to do is not go there. Right now there are Cigar bars, Casinos, Hookah lounges, smoke shops, friends homes, and bars that "turned a blind eye to the law" that all allow smoking.

You don't have to go there if you don't want to.

Fining people and taking away liquor licenses from business owners just because you don't like something is crazy. It's their bar, it's their property, and it's your choice to go there. If you don't like it, don't go. Why fine people and send people to jail for doing something that makes them happy?

To me Smoking bans fall into SJW shit, You don't like it therefore nobody can do it.

Over 3,000,000 people in Michigan smoke.

If you want to ban smoking from your personal life then go ahead, the same way I personally banned loud music from mine. But to make a law? Why? What did you accomplish? You got your way?

End of response, Rant Below.

This whole state is full of fucking pussies, smokers are pussies and non-smokers are pussies. Non-smokers should have just stopped going to smoking bars and the problem would have solved itself, but they didn't, why? because they are fucking pussies. It's easier to make a law then to just fucking say "Bob, that bar allows smoking and I don't like it so I'm not going out tonight" Instead they all just played the fucking victim, they played the victim when they MADE A VOLUNTARY CHOICE Nobody every forced anyone to walk into a bar where there was smoke, No American or Michigander was ever, in the history of fucking time, FORCED to be around it, YET THEY ARE THE VICTIM?? What fucking reality do you people live in? You got a phone call, took a shower, got in your car, walked into a building (a privately owned building I mad add) and somehow, that action made you a VICTIM? Of "Second Hand Smoke"? THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO THERE YOU FUCKING RETARD?

It would be like someone putting a tent up on I75 at 4 AM and then complaining about the FUCKING CARS 2 hours later? It's nonsensical and asinine.

What would you say if a homophobic person tried to ban Gay Bars? You would tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop going to gay bars. To leave people alone and let them live their lives, that life is short and we should attempt to allow others, no matter how different their decisions are and no matter how much we disagree with them, we, as humans, should have the compassion and tolerance to allow a private group of voluntary humans to perform any actions they wish behind closed doors. That is exactly what you would tell them. But the second it comes to smoking IT'S YOUR RIGHT! YOUR ARE A VICTIM, THE STAFF IS A VICTIM, THE FUCKING WORLD IS A VICTIM

Or, You can shut the fuck up, and not walk through that door. That was all you had to do, simply not walk through that door.

But you decided to be a dick instead, fuck all you pussies.

And - - - Scene.

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