Remote communities are 'lifestyle choices', says Tony Abbott - PM says it is right to axe funding for remote Indigenous communities in WA if cost of providing services outweighs benefits

Ok I'll play your game.

First I assume we're talking about Canadian Native communities and not Australian Aboriginal ones. Yes, there non-Native communities that have been hit by economic recession and the vagaries of the market, for example Maritime towns on the east coast. But the key concept here is that these towns were created for a reason, usually capitalizing on natural resources, it's Canada after all.

Now compare that to Native communities, which are artificial towns, created not to support industry from nearby resources, but simply because that was the area reserved for Indians by virtue of treaties. On most reserves, I would bet money that the biggest employer is the Band administration.

Non-Native towns are not job creators, they have the very minimum of staff allowed by their limited tax base.

The media is complicit in creating this narrative that *Canadian Natives have never gad it so bad. That's hogwash and they know it.

There have a number of fire incidents lately where children have died. All have been reported in the media but only the case in Saskatchewan continues to generate media coverage and outrage. You know the story I assume.

The Band Chief and Council were negligent by cancelling their fire service contract with a nearby town without having anything to replace it. Needless to say, all the blame has been put on the volunteer fire dept. although based on their track record, like ALL remote volunteer fire services, are poor. They simply can't get there in time, and home owners know this. The volunteer fire dept. in a town I lived nearby were known as the "basement savers". That's just a fact of living in a remote area.

Native leaders are under the delusion that their remote, fly-in communities should and must have all the services, amenities and response time as enjoyed by places like Toronto. That's wishful thinking at best, and a distracting, political move at worst.

There will be NO commission, round table, working group, etc. for these young lives snuffed out.

On the other hand, the Aboriginal Industry will use their tragedy, not as a learning lesson, but as leverage to squeeze more money from Ottawa. It's a shame.

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