"Removing child porn pushes pedophiles to find other ways to get their sexual gratification." A user of r/relationships defends the distribution of child pornography.

Please make effort to understand the difference between sexual abuse and pedosexuality.

  • Pedosexuality is not a mental illness. If homosexuality is not considered a mental illness then by default pedosexuality cannot be one either; the subject of desire is equally reproductively invalid.

  • Children are not victims nor scared of sex. Children enjoy sexual contact; they masturbate from infancy (source). It seems obvious that the physical contact isn't responsible for the emotional harm. On a practical level, most child molestation victims experienced threats of harm or physical harm itself to stop them from telling anyone what was going on. There is also the secrecy of the act itself - often forced on the child when alone. And the use of force itself; the lack of regard given to how the child feels about the situation. These three factors seem damaging enough, but why do they occur so often? The threats are involved for obvious reasons - the severe legal and personal troubles that would result if anyone discovered what had happened. The secrecy, for much the same reason; the choice is between going to prison and ensuring the child doesn't tell anyone. As a consequence of this, otherwise caring and loving adults are pushed into doing damaging things to children to ensure silence. The force, an unfortunate result of pent-up sexual frustration. Weak-willed individuals may force sex onto a child as their only means to relief - there is no legal outlet for pedosexual urges, no pornography or sexual interaction deemed legally consensual.

  • Children do understand sex. Children are perfectly capable of understanding it and thus giving informed consent. The physical act of sexual contact is not complicated and contraceptives negate any risk of harm. Children are capable of understanding both the act itself and the reasons behind it - they can feel sexual pleasure as well.

  • Legalization of child pornography does not make pedosexuals more likely to act on their desires. Legalization of child pornography has been shown to LOWER the rates of child sex offence (source). The reasoning is that legally accessible child pornography serves as a surrogate for sex and this is supported by research - dramatic drops in child sex offence occur after decriminalization of child porn possession. Production of this porn is still illegal.

  • Kids are not traumatized nor hurt by sex with adults. Society plays a large role in victimizing children who are involved sexually with an adult. There is before-the-fact 'education' on the children "private parts" which must never ever be touched by an adult, leading to confusion and shame when this occurs. There is the general cultural and institutionalized attitude that anything sexual involving children is sick and wrong and that when children are sexually involved with an adult they are being used and violated. At childhood and in later years, these social values cause great distress as the 'victim' grapples with the fact s/he was violated and used by someone who was supposed to love them. These feelings of betrayal are not inherent to the sexual act at all, they are socially constructed. As a final kick to the victims while they're down and cementing their victim status, all of this is compounded by the media and government utilizing terms such as 'brave' and 'survivor' and 'strong' for those who lead healthy, fulfilling lives after a childhood that involved sexual contact with an adult. Treating people like victims makes them see themselves as victims.

  • Children are not victims of pedosexuals. Sexual contact with children is NOT inherently harmful; it's the social context in which it occurs that creates the psychological damage. In contrast, being physically hurt is always 'bad' because it isn't dependant on such a context; no matter where you're from or what values you hold, it will still hurt to be punched.

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