Rental affordability by state

Consumerism and capitalism has perverted that for most people to a degree..

Ok, glad we agree on that.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Ok, let's look at each individually:

  • Life is only basis needs and can require you to have to work, even in retirement.

  • Liberty - I don't see this a earnings related, more political (yes I get money can influence it, but so can sheer numbers of people).

  • Pursuit of Happiness - Pursuit doesn't guarantee success of that happiness. Last I checked everyone in the USA can pursue anything, we don't have caste systems like other cultures that all out bar people from changing class.

Your point of view while fine, doesn't really apply to anyone under 30, and some of us under 40.

Funny, others are tearing me apart for saying that as you get older it gets easier to live on less as you have built a stable foundation that allows good choices (i.e. buy a good coat that lasts years vs a cheap one that last 1 season).

Finally, I'm not against a better minimum wage. I don't disagree that $7/hr doesn't work anywhere, but equally I know of lots of people/places that live just fine off $12/hr. Equally, I get that in SFO nobody can live on $20/hr.

The problem I see in the debates is with lifestyle inflation:

  • 1800's - 90% of the country lived in 1 room cabins, less than 400 sq feet, average family size was 8 children.

  • 1940's - Minimum meant having a bed/shelter and food (i.e. most men lived in bunk houses) Entire families lived in 1 bedroom apartments in cities (average family size 2-3 kids).

  • 1990's - Everyone deserves their own bedroom

  • Present - 1 person requires a 2-bedroom apartment.

Minimum wage should be just that, minimum to support the very basic needs of life (shelter, food, etc.). No savings, no luxuries, etc. That is the capitalism belief. Socialism would be the exact opposite, everyone we get equal "things". Reality is we need something in-between. Honestly, I think people on minimum wage should be struggling, as that is the motivation to go improve yourself and learn skills.

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