The Republicans waged a 3-decade war on government. They got Trump.

Small government for them and big government for you.

After all - I don't understand how people don't remember this - the Republicans had control of Congress and the Executive for 6 straight years.

During this time, they...

Bungled national security, allowing the largest terrorist attack ever on American soil. This did not warrant the scrutiny or years of investigations that a 2012 embassy attack did. Speaking of...

Bungled foreign embassy security - repeatedly - allowing 13 attacks against US embassies and facilities around the world. And the House has investigated just about none of these with any degree of seriousness. Weird huh?

Bungled one war without an exit strategy, and then started another one for fun? Or something? Does anyone know why the Iraq War was a good idea, other than defense contractors and the private military support firms that sucked up the taxpayer money.

"Gifted" future taxpayers with a massive unfunded federal healthcare program.

Tapped our phones, started mass at-home surveillance that continues to this very day, and did away with due process for people they didn't like.

Then cut the fuck out of taxes, because someone else will pay for all of this stuff.

This is just a short list. When it comes to the GOP, "Small government fiscal conservatives" is just an alternative punchline for "The aristocrats!!" at this point.

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