A Return to Civility

I thought uncivil language wAs a bannable offense, or at least, highly frowned upon? Because you're talking down to someone and insulting their intelligence after they made a very appropriate and real critique of the problems with moderation in this sub. And they did it respectfully. Judging by how you banned me for a day and then expanded my ban for 3 days after I messaged you asking for an explanation when every other post I saw was removed and they weren't banned, and then you blocked my from PMing you asking about said moderation behavior, you can start to see why people may take issue with the way you carry yourself in this sub. You need to do a better job or you will continue to face this kind of backlash. The mod team, if you are any standard to judge by, is abhorrent, and you should be trying to get better and taking constructive criticism to make this a better place more conducive to productive discussion rather than putting you fingers in your ear and implementing the same childish behavior you are banning people for.

/r/politics Thread Parent