Revealed: Republican lawmaker aided group training young men for 'biblical warfare'

Young men who can't find the fun in life are in for all kinds of trouble. If you come from a cultural background that prohibits fun then you have two choices:

  1. Have fun anyway and enter the world of cognitive dissonance, followed by familial alienation if caught.

  2. Choose loyalty to tribe and become super judgmental of everyone having fun.

I know its an obvious thing to say but no belief system can continue to propagate itself in a world where it is obviously practically inferior unless enforced with violence. All closed societies have had this problem and paid for it. Religious doctrine that can't describe the world as accurately as non-religious doctrine is about as useless as the USSR's economy in 1990. If the main benefit of organized religion is that it promotes civilization and empathy then the choice between losing prominence and violently defending an outdated world-view is a pretty easy one.

I have a lot of sympathy for people who have to make the choice to abandon friends and family because they are not willing to take a logical view of the world (or tolerate them having one). That's an unenviable situation. I've always been pro-science but also always been around a lot of people with a lot of spiritual/religious beliefs from all over the map. Religious traditions wrap a lot of basic philosophy in a way that people can understand and apply to their own lives. I've learned a lot from my religious friends over the years even if I never adopted their religions. For an anecdotal example I've found that religious friends I've had are much more capable of sticking to their weaker convictions than I am. Nobody wants to hear "Your expectations for life are based on a recipe for harmony from the dark ages." It's better to take a softer approach and remember that people are all pretty smart even when they believe stuff you find unbelievable, and that they still deserve respect as people.

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