Riot Lyte: Are you aware of how Support operates?

That's your prerogative. If you want to quit then quit. If you don't want to play a game without luck then more power to you. There's no way you can control the entire community. Bad luck DOES happen, but you have to have the appropriate attitude. Over the course of 20 games those 1-2 games where you had a DC don't matter too much. Over the course of 100 games luck has almost nothing to do with your rank. If you think the only thing that means anything is winning then you're playing wrong. You don't climb by winning a game; you climb by improving. If all you care about is winning and you immediately discount a game with a DC as a sure loss and get upset then you're not learning. Even the best players in the world don't win more than like 65% of their games. Losing happens. You may lose a game today because of a DC but tomorrow maybe you win one for the same reason. Those games balance out, and when all is said and done ALL that matters is how YOU play, how YOU improve, and YOUR attitude. You're trying to fix things that don't really matter just because you're upset about a few things that went wrong, but you're losing focus on what matters. You've lost focus on fixing your own attitude and avoiding toxicity. You've lost focus on improving and instead act like winning is all that matters.

You keep throwing out ideas like Riot can just flip a switch and make it happen without any negative impact. It's not that easy. I'm willing to bet there's a team at Riot RIGHT NOW trying to figure out ways to deal with DCs or how they can incorporate things that work with games like Smite or DOTA or HotS into their own game. It's just not that easy. It's not easy to code, it's not easy to implement, and what works for a game of 8 million may not work for a game of 70 million. You have absolutely NO idea how to run a game and no idea what has to go into coding something like that. You really think it's an overnight solution? Really? Also, I and I'm sure MANY other people here can tell you that winning a game 4v5 is absolutely doable. I've won a handful of games starting out 4v5 and have won many more with DCs that occurred halfway through the game. Even if there was no chance to win, you can still use that time to improve and get better. It's not a complete waste of time. Yeah it'd be nice to reset the game and take a 0 LP hit for it, but you're crazy if you think that Riot isn't aware or isn't actively thinking about ways to make a system like that work.

Riot has been pretty clear that they're trying to fix the LP gains in Diamond. I'm aware how shitty D5 can be. I'm also aware how shitty Plat 5, Gold 5, and Silver 5 can be having been there at various times in the last few years.

There is punishment. You are proof of that. People who are toxic get punished. It wasn't working for a while but it's back now. Toxic players get punished. Trolls get punished if you report them. What do you want them to do? Ban every person you send a report in for? Chances are you're just blowing off steam sometimes reporting someone who doesn't deserve it. It's not like no one has ever climbed out of D5. It sucks but if you improve rather than give up or act like a douche then you'll climb out.

I didn't say you're dumb for making suggestions. What you're being ridiculous about is acting like oh here are steps X, Y, and Z that you should implement to fix your game overnight. You act like you're a genius with an MBA who can instantly fix the world's problems. Those suggestions have been made over and over again and if you took any time whatsoever to actually read those threads you'd see pros and cons for everything you've suggested. It's not something that can happen overnight and there are lots of downsides. Riot isn't going to implement something unless they're 100% sure it'll work without having unintended consequences. Like resetting a game for instance. You still haven't even responded to anything that disagrees with you, you just keep repeating the same beaten down ranting responses. If you even took time to look through past posts about resetting games with DCs you'd see Riot Lyte himself commenting about how Riot is looking into it but it's taking time to make sure they have the correct solutions in place. But again, you just feel like attacking Riot rather than accepting that maybe they know more than you about game development. You're not adding anything new to the discussion on how to fix the problems, you're just throwing things out with no thought whatsoever but hopes it means something since you said you had an MBA online...

TL;DR If you want to play LoL then fix your attitude. You are just pissed off at a system that punished you when you admit that you are toxic toward other players. If you don't want to play then don't; feel free to go to DotA that's entirely your choice.

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