RiotLyte on why LoL still doesn't have voice chat.

let me just tell u 1 thing, and first i would like to let you know that I dont support the flamers and i think they should gtfo and also, I know i cant proof it, 4 years playing this game, i never got, not even once banned or chat/ranked banned, but hear me out

there is 1 rule that you all should fucking understand, there are 60m players that plays LoL, at least around 10m that plays on your server, if you think that you will play the game without meeting any toxic flamer player, then im sorry but you are the dumb one and you deserve it, why? because you should know that there are many reasons why they flame you and being serious about it is not one of them. reasons maybe they having a bad day or they just angry cuz they are losing the game, sure thats not ok but you as human being, god gave us a brain to think (even if u dont believe in god, you still have a brain) please use it, if the game FLAME YOU, you either just ignore or you can just press tab and mute, woah thats so easy, and guess what? that works with the voicechat TOO, woahh.

If you look at my ignore list, only 20+ people there, why? because i realize that they are just angry so i dont care about what they say, for those who get offended, thats fine, sure just mute them and use the brain to realize that those people are dumb and move on.

and the fact that you guys care about what Lyte says, hurts so bad. He says how much he care about the community and about the toxicity, but he doesnt realize that we dont have tribunal for about 1year now and that his chat restriction system is sucks, I dont wanna mention the afk system.

Please, the best solution to avoid the flamers is the mute button, we already have a FIX but people dont wanna accept it. Riot should focus on other things that dont have fix yet, aka boosters, scripters, and tons of features that the biggest game doesnt have. Its sad.

Have a nice everyone.

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