Riv on the NA LCS crowd today: "If you attend the LCS and this goes for any sporting event. Don't make it about you by cheering incessantly about random things in the game. This is a time enjoy something as a community and honor the caliber of play that these players have worked hard for.

Riot needs to shut the fuck up and remember people are paying money to even be at these events and if they have a problem with the sound from their audience they need to remember they are a free to play fucking game that is a direct copy of a Warcraft 3 mod. I'm sick of Riot pretending they are more than what they came from and I'm sick of people saying that a bunch of mongs who helped fund ticket sales so far beyond what ever should have come from DotA should somehow be stifled or feel ashamed when the entire spectacle is monkey business being pushed as serious now by a few casters and the multibillion dollar chinese corporation that bought Riot t's a fucking video game. .

/r/leagueoflegends Thread