Roast my resume

You are confident you can find a job, post graduation, in a field (economics/data science) where you have 0 experience? Go to grad school, you have good grades. Don't take another program with the words "data science" in the name if you want something beyond dashboard creation.

You're wholly unqualified for what you are looking for, unless you are seeking some low level data analysis-like jobs or went to one of the top schools in the country. Entry level economics and data science positions are almost exclusively staffed by Master/PhD grads/students. Add on to that we are approaching an economic downturn.

I'll hijack this comment to give resume feedback:

  1. In job descriptions, you don't list any technical skills used in achieving your results. Any DS job is going to look for how you used relevant technical skills. You don't state that anywhere on your resume.
  2. Also job descriptions: Your working is weird in some places. Will use first point under IB SA role for example. You worked closely with a team? Just write you were in the team, unless you were interning for some consulting company they hired. What does "totaling over $50 million in value using Bloomberg" mean? Did you determine the value of your transactions to be $50 million through Bloomberg? Why waste so much space writing that. just say transactions totaling $50+ million in value. Takes away a whole line to let you elaborate on another point or create a new point where you can actually write stuff that matters.
  3. You have a lot of hanging lines; new lines with like 2-3 words. Creates tons of white space. Elaborate a bit. You are wasting space.
  4. Why do tech skills and interests use different separators (, vs |)? Consistency.

good luck

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