Does anyone else get jealous of those who went to private high school > target > high paying job?

most of this sub is the wrong audience for this Q

i've lived through the basic floor (no health insurance, borderline homelessness, starvation), and it's just not worth the energy to be angry all the time. people will tell you not to compare or feel envy, but its a natural feeling and somedays you can't help but feel it. just don't let it cloud your perspective. You will come to terms with reality that yes, you will have to work much harder than some others to get where you want and that's it.

I have imposter syndrome every other day, and nearly 85% of my coworkers have been white men, 95% if you include white woman, who have an intimidating knowledge base. somedays i feel less, but most of them are fairly respectful to me, and they've done nothing to harm me as an individual and I have greater goals than comparing myself. what matters is I and the people I love know how hard i've worked and I give myself a pat yourself on the back every time i accomplish something great

/r/FinancialCareers Thread