A Robert de Niro Theory of Post-Truth

Not one mention of how private, for-profit commercial entities like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and Google are involved in this epistemic crisis.

Universities and social institutions have nothing to do with our current issues with an informed public. The masses are in fact cut off from their knowledge as most academic publications are behind paywalls. All they are left with is the insane ramblings of click-bait listicles about pizzagate and Kim Kardashian.

This makes pointing the blame at "postmodernism" (could there be a better example of a strawman?) an absurd notion. People are not in large numbers reading or, even in an secondary manner, being influenced by the likes of Baudrillard or Foucault. If they were they would most definitely throw their iPhones in the nearest river and take up watercolor painting.

Most of the avatars out there shrieking about postmodernists or social justice warriors, (or the alt-right or fascists, [insert your phantasm here]) are simply just caught up in some kind of internet-induced schizoid fever dream.

Go outside and go for a god damned walk.

/r/philosophy Thread Link - theconversation.com