Rocket raises a good point

What? That doesn't make sense, color theory-wise. Lemme tell you something real quick about color: If you want to make something pop and stand out, it's not about how bright or saturated your colors are, it's about contrast. Darks against lights, contrasting colors on the color wheel instead of colors that are similar.

For example, a color contrast of yellow and red (ala Spider-Woman) would not stand out nearly as much as a color contrast between red and blue (spider-man) seeing as red and blue are almost opposites in terms of color temperature while yellow and red are both bright warm colors, as well as being fairly close to each other on the color wheel.

Need a visual reference? I color picked from the spider-man image I linked above and A spider woman image I found online[1] and look at what I found

Which one stands out more? Obviously the red and against hte blue, and since most artists tend to give Spider-man darker blue tones than the one I've picked and the one in the image above, the contrast is usually even stronger. Still not seeing it? Well don't worry, I desaturated it to make the contrast painfully obvious

Now you're going to have to expand on the whole "Nowhere on the same level" thing, but don't try and argue that Spider-woman's colors pop out more than Spider-man's just because the colors on spider-man's suit aren't bright enough. That's grossly incorrect

P.S. I know that Spider-woman's suit also has the black outline around it, but because of the similarity of the colors, the contrast is still weak and at best puts it on the same level as spider-man. Here's another desaturated color example

P.P.S. I don't really care about the politics of this argument, moreso that the arguments you're spouting seem fairly incorrect with no backing information.

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