Ron Paul on Women In Combat: An Issue of Rights? - "The military draft is a form of slavery. Seeking to extend it to women because one feels it is discriminatory if it applies only to men is a case of faulty logic....The problem is the foreign policy, not a lack of fighters to carry it out."

Laws are not defined by the general public. Laws are defined by those who hold office in the government.

How did those who hold office get that authority? From the general public.

The only say the public has in that level of decision making is in threat of civil unrest or in the personal threat to the positions of the officials next term.

And elections.

The pentagon is owned by the government, and so owned by the public using your logic.

Yeah. That's true.

But I can not exercise my will over the pentagon, or any other government employee.

Sure you can. You can vote, run for office, file a lawsuit, and a hundred other things.

I exercise my will every day to compel librarians to give me books and compel planning departments to give me building permits.

The government essentially owns the public,

At first I thought you were one of the kooks that watches YouTube "documentaries" about how banks own the federal reserve. Now I'm betting you're one of the kooks that make the videos!

In no way are you able to directly vote on these regulations.

Sure they can. Who do you think makes administrative regulations? Soldiers!

You have to vote for a representative along with millions of other individuals

So you're saying that if you personally don't have complete jurisdiction over all laws, you're a slave?

Just look at what's going on with planned parenthood, are you doing to say that you're behind that legislation? No, that is slavery -

If every line item in the federal budget does not please you, youre a slave?

Debt slavery is where you pledge your services and person as security for repayment of a debt.

Baseball players are slaves because they get signing bonuses and pledge to work in return!

Your statement isn't backed by books, scholars, treaties, or any other acceptable source material;

It is, you just haven't read them.

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