Run, Bernie, Run: Petition Calling On Bernie Sanders To Mount Independent Run For The White House Nearing 100,000 Signatures

Some reasons it should happen today:

Senator Warren slams Hillary for selling out to Wall Street in 2004

Obama quote on Hillary: "He repeated the charge in a radio ad that same month, in which he attacked Clinton as "what’s wrong with politics” and claimed she "will say anything to get elected."

hillary cackles about defending a child rapist

hillary describes 12 year old rape victim: “I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,”

Obama birther rumors came from Hillary's campaign

Hillary campaign circulated Obama photo wearing turban to gin up fear

Hillary and Bernie disagree on almost everything only 6% of bills passed by other than unanimous consent in the last congress - the 93% figure is just them agreeing to name post offices

Hillary has no accomplishments so she has to make up lies like 'landing under sniper fire' until people leak it is a lie, then she partially walks it back, then video is released, then she 'misspoke' LIAR!

11 out of 28 primaries were outside the exit poll margin of error, all in Hillary's favor. Probability: 1 in 4.5 billion

Hillary plays innocent grandma lie about wiping her server: "what, like with a cloth?"

Hillary voted for the Iraq war.

Hillary voted for the Patriot Act.

Hillary voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act

Hillary gave more weapons to her foundation donors than others as SoS

Hillary and Bill pushed NAFTA which is 'suppose' to lower our wages

Hillary wants to double down on destroying American jobs. The TPP is the 'gold standard' according to her.

Hillary praising the removal of Glass-Steagall - you can always count on her to make life easier for the banksters!

Hillary gets sweet insider deals that enrich her personally

Hillary was a proud member of Walmart board of directors, leading the way in slashing American wages

hillary led the effort expanding the war on drugs and the prison-industrial complex that has destroyed so many lives, especially african americans

clintons enacted the defense of marriage act to put an end to progress on gay rights at the federal level, bernie had it right all along

clintons led the effort to undermine the social safety net, again disproportionately hurting african-americans

maybe hillary is a good person - depends on what the definition of 'is' is!

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