Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program: "The U.S. National Security Agency has figured out how to hide spying software deep within hard drives made by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba and other top manufacturers.." (

Does it matter who started it? You yourself said other countries are doing it and they all need to stop. What would our apologizing or "making amends" accomplish exactly? Exactly how could we make amends? The intelligence we gathered is already stolen/compromised, it's not like we can give it back. Should we pay money? How much would be enough? How much before we'd be paying an amount which would cripple our economy (a'la Germany's debt post-World War I)? What happens if that's the end goal of the government asking for amenities?

Like you said, the ball is already in motion. If we were to hold every country accountable for bullshit they pulled in the past, then Britain owes apologies to every country they exploited as a colony, France owes half of Europe for that whole Napoleon invasion fiasco, Russia's government owes its citizens and every other country involved in the Soviet Union for that whole Stalin problem, and Germany owes everyone because Hitler.

Islamic extremists want to kill the Israelites for being Jewish. North Korea wants to kill South Koreans for having the audacity to not want to be controlled by them. Militia generals in Africa want to kill other Africans to further their power and for the sake of "ethnic cleansing." Where's the hate for those groups of people? Oh yeah if you hate Islamic extremists you want to kill all Muslims. If you talk shit about Africa you're a racist. And North Korea is nothing but a joke at this point, which means nothing they do is taken seriously.

I am so sick and tired of this "America is Evil and responsible for everything" narrative that gets spread across the internet, because while I will be the first to admit we're flawed, and that our politicians are insanely corrupt, there are worse countries out there committing worse atrocities that need to be dealt with.

TL,DR: Yeah, America started it. It's not our fault your country's government was corrupt enough to join in on the fun and games. Your governments are no better than ours, so fucking deal with it and direct that hate-energy to figuring out an actual solution if you care so damn much.

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