It’s really sad how petty this vote is getting

Sewiouswy guys just pway de bwah bwahbwahbwabbhd duf kwwtjawdwfsxodsomnbjwsp Fouw wuffians bweak into my house. "What de deviw?" As I gwab my powdewed wig and Kentucky wifwe. Bwow a gowf baww sized howe dwough de fiwst man, he's deaf on de spot. Dwaw my pistow on de second man, miss him entiwewy because it's smoodbowe and naiws de neighbows dog. I have to wesowt to de cannon mounted at de top of de staiws woaded wif gwape shot, "Tawwy ho wads" de gwape shot shweds two men in de bwast, de sound and extwa shwapnew set off caw awawms. Fix bayonet and chawge de wast tewwified wapscawwion. He Bweeds out waiting on de powice to awwive since twianguwaw bayonet wounds awe impossibwe to stitch up. uwu

tag me to uwuize comments uwu

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