[S04E19] - 'Canary Cry' Write it Yourself Episode Discussion

The episode starts with an opening montage with the team being scattered. Everybody is dealing with this grief in their own way. Diggle is going after Darhk's wife, Thea is out clubbing sniffing 800 kilo's of cocaine while Felicity is blaming herself for Laurel's death. Because they lost Laurel due to a lack of ''overwatch''.

This montage is being dubbed over with a monologue of Oliver talking about grief and losing important people. And when he says ''important people'' the scene cut's to Felicity's part of the montage with Felicity shedding a tear. The montage won't transistion into the epic Arrow music. It will be a subtle new Blake Neeley track with the Arrow logo on screen with the Arrow being Black.

After this opening montage the focus will go all to Felicity. Oliver is checking up on her because he knows how hard she's been hit by the death of Laurel. He knows that she's going to really rough times, seeing how she recently stopped being a ''hero'' because of everything becoming too much for her. Oliver walks in and has an awkward interaction with Curtis, who's in the room with Felicity at Palmer tech. Curtis says he's sorry to hear the sad news..... of Oliver and Felicity breaking up, and Black Canary dying.

Oliver and Felicity will have a long talk after this. It'll be about loss (their relationship), lies and not keeping secrets from each other (this will refer to the promise Oliver made to Laurel. This promise will cause friction between Oliver and Felicity in the future. Basically the same thing like with the William secret. These writers love to repeat plot, so we will repeat this again).

The scene after this is Thea waking up from her heavy hangover. She opens her eyes and Malcom mysteriously pops up from underneath her bed. She jumps on him and attempts to stab him with her heroine needle. Malcolm blocks it with his new hand nobody mentioned last time. He tells Thea he's sorry how Laurel died, says that he really means it but he also says something sarcastic about BC. Malcolm explains how he's there to save Thea from Genysysys. This will be the only scene where Felicity won't be mentioned. Thea looks at him and doesn't say a word, and doesn't ask a thing and the scene ends unanswered in that special CW kind of way until Thea pops up towards the end of the episode talking about what Malcolm told her.

Next scene is Diggle returning with Ruvé as his prisoner. He puts her in Andy's old cell. Oliver is like WTF dude, what are you doing? They are having this talk without their masks in an area next to that cage but they act like Ruvé can't hear them. The conversation will quickly change to a Felicity centric convo. Diggle asks if he already asked Felicity to rejoin the team. Diggle gives a pep talk about Leyla and himself, something about looking at baby Sara and smiling and something about how Oliver and Felicity should have a kid (I bet Olicity shippers would want this). Oliver ends this scene smiling and the camera pans from his smile into flashback mode to Oliver on the island frowning.

That badguy on the island, I forgot his name, gets out of the rubble somehow. It isn't explained how he has popped up again. He'll have a monologue about power and Oliver looks confused as fuck. Whoosh, loud transition back to the present.

Darhk is standing before that weird box thingy they introduced episodes ago and the writers forgot about it and didn't know what to do with it. Now it's back and it gets a half assed explaination. It basically is a map, because the writers saw this theory online, the map will lead to a save place for people to hide from genysysysyshrk. That's where Malcolm wants in.

But this isn't explained yet. This will be explained in the season finale. Darhk is just still being vague about it... He mentions BC and how happy he is finding out Oliver is GA. He then mentions how he should visit his charming fiancee. He will mention how he's impressed that she's walking again and he'll have look to into that. At the end of this scene Darhk gets the message from Andy that Diggle took Ruvé.

Next scene is Felicity again. Now with Donna. Donna finds out about Laurel being BC. And gives an inspirational speech how Felicity already is a hero herself and doesn't need a costume. The ending of this scene is Felicity crying with snot coming out of her nose while hugging her mom and looking at the BC costume in the backround.

Whoosh into the loud flashback transistion from the BC costume to that badguy on the island handing a shovel to Oliver. He tells him to digg and doesn't explain why. The badguy is holding that girl hostage in a force choke. So Oliver diggs.. Whoosh transistion.

The episode goes back to Diggle interrogating Ruvé. Ruvé knows about all their ID's too and she ignores Diggle and talks to Oliver about Felicity. Oliver is standing in the backround. She threatens Felicity if something would happen to her.

Felicity will be targeted now because Ruvé has been taken away by team Arrow. Oliver goes into action to save Felicity!!!!

Everyone will head to Palmer tech for the episode showdown. But Felicity won't need any saving! She'll use some of Curtis' tools and her wits to outsmart the ghosts and Darhk who are coming for her. Oliver won't have to shoot an arrow. He sees this happening and is impressed. But now the enemies see GA and attack him too. Diggle shows up as back-up and kills some fuckers in cold blood while Oliver is getting his ass kicked by the ghosts. Felicity sees this happening while she's being confronted by Darhk. He has her in a force choke.... but then... Felicity reaches out to Darhk's heart. She'll talk about Ruvé and true love and how she found it with Oliver. Oliver meanwhile overhears this while getting the shit kicked out of him.

Darhk loses his grip on Felicity during her emotional monologue about loss and grief. Returning the episode back to the monologue but now really hammering it down to the loss of her relationship and how life is too short and that she realizes that she has to accept Oliver for who he is. Seeing how Ruvé did the same with Darhk... so darhk loses his grip for a fraction of a second. In this second Diggle shoots Darhk. But he stops the bullets midair and loses his focus on Felicity. She breaks a chair and hits him on the back with it. Darhk has gone KO. Nobody is going to finish him off (because it isn't the finale yet) and they all run out of the building.

Second to last scene: Thea is back. Tells them about the escape plan Malcolm has. But the grand reveal will happen after this moment. Queen Felicity walks at just the right moment, she couldn't have heared what Thea was saying but she makes a witty remark about Malcolm's sanity. Everybody is glad she's back. She sits behind her computer and says how glad that this loss (her going away) has been fixed and how she couldn't imagine life without team arrow and Arrow himself while holding Oliver's hand.

Last scene: Lance is still crying by himself... camera zooms on a tear and the Arrow logo appears (it's not black anymore. Yeah the loss is resolved!!)

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