"Safe Space" Students Silence Asian Woman For Saying "Black People Can Be Racist"

DISCLAIMER: I don't speak for all black folks, only myself.

I think BLM is kind of "good cause, terrible execution" myself. Same with that shrieking bitch. I'm still pissed off the way they treated Bernie. Same with the riots. They got us on TV looking like god damned apes, running around destroying storefronts owned by other black people. We can assemble and protest without devolving to pre-man. And pick your causes! Freddie Gray? Yes! Protest that shit! Michael Brown? Fuck that nigga. Robbing the store aside, he tried taking a gun from a cop. He deserved what he got.

The only way to combat racism is to have conversations. Honestly, that's it. Screaming at, blaming and otherwise shifting responsibility onto "the white man" only alienates white people. Put any person on the defensive and progress stops. And accusing people of being <insert cultural divide here>ist for simply having a differing view than yourself is straight up retarded. "Oh, you want tighter immigration? You must be racist!" That helps no one.

Another thing I question, and people in my circle think I'm stupid as fuck, is Affirmative Action. I personally hate it. I have a great job, with great pay and awesome benefits. But am I hear because I was the best candidate, or because I'm black. Do I get great reviews because I'm that damned good (and I think I really am), or because I'm black? Do my white co-workers also question my position?

Last thing, I also hate the term "African American". I am not African American. I am not from Africa- never even been there. I am an American that's black. At best, a "Black American". It's descriptive and honest. Sure, ancestrally, I'm of African decent. But go back far enough, so are you.

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