Sanders: Have Any Criminal Inquiries in Wells Fargo Case Been Filed?

Sure, it's not that hard. Wells Fargo has admitted to firing around 5,000 employees over the last two years for fraudulently opening extra banking accounts in the names of their established customers which caused fake fees to be paid by their customers.

Look at it like this. I steal your social security number, open a credit line and benefit monetarily from my fraudulent activity. I am going to be locked up, depending on the state, on some type of felony related to theft, forgery, credit card fraud, wire fraud etc. Why should a person who has unfiltered access to this information be treated ANY differently than a common criminal who uses other means to gain this info?

If you worked at a gas station and charged a customer for $20 worth of gas and only pumped $18 and them rung up $10 and pocketed the other $10 do you think a crime was committed? You have stolen from both the customer AND your employer which is what they did when Wells Fargo paid bonuses for opening accounts.

Now we can't expect 5,000 people to be prosecuted so you find the most important people, the managers, the people who benefited the most from this multi million dollar scam and you put their fucking asses in jail because they literally robbed thousands of customers.

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