Sanders fans who refuse to vote for Hillary in the general election: help me understand you.

At the end of the day, if someone doesn't support her policies but votes for her anyway, you're essentially moving the entire party more to the right. Why do this?

Hillary cried during her last compaign. That's exactly what we don't need as China, Iran, Russia, and the US start to play in the same playground in Libya and the rest of the ME.

Hillary supports TTP, and she supported Nafta until it became clear that that position wasn't popular, (Google it.) But, regardless of withdrawing support for it, she now still supports TTP? (or whatever hydra version we're on these days.)

She's being financed by the same powers that be that are driving the middle class out of existence. If you vote for her you're voting to continue this path down in BOTH parties. The R's are already full on board, and she will make it both sides of the aisle. It may be decades (or never) before there is political balance in support of the common man.

Lastly, her donors are pulling the strings. So, any Supreme court justices she appoints will be all about screwing the common man, despite everyone's argument that she will appoint better justices than an R. There is no proof of that, and a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Lastly, she's a woman who always lacks accountability. She never admits a mistake unless there was a poll stating her position was unpopular. A clearly manipulative, lying, and blame-shifting woman. I was raised by one and let me tell you, leaders they are not.

When I think of a leader, I want reason and accountability. With her I see neither. There is no version of any reality where she gets my vote.

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