Sanders is the king of credibility in 2016

You are calling Bernie supporters abrasive, and when asked a serious, non-attacking question you come back with condescension and acting as if I know less because I'm younger. All I saw in your first comment was nothing to contribute to a conversation so I figured I would ask what you do stand for, since you are so sure of yourself.

I left the states to work for an NGO a decade ago, and I'm in my 30s, so I think you can drop the "I'm older and wiser and more experienced because I watched West Wing" bit. My epiphanies come from seeing how the rest of the developed world acts, and how they react to the US. Spoiler, most everyone just laughs at the possibility of either Trump or Hillary, and I am very often approached in a joking way if I'm ever going back if one of them wins. I honestly don't know how to answer.

Incidentally, people abroad are uninformed, and the people I have spoken to are so easily turned into Bernie supporters that no, I didn't find it rude. Luckily I don't have to deal these horrible people that want to change minds, though I'm not sure it would be enough of a reason for me not to vote for my choice in candidate.

Good for you for using those big boy words to articulate why you want Hillary. We disagree on very basic levels. Her foreign policy is more of the same cat and mouse shit that we have been locked in for 15 years and it only makes things worse. I don't think kids need to go to college for free, but I don't think the current system is running efficiently at all. At least he is broaching the subject. What does Hillary have planned to get kids out of crippling debt upon getting out of college? Let me guess, you are of the "When we were kids we just went out there and got jobs, stop complaining" folk? That's not an issue for me, right now at least, but I fear for my economic security if I ever have to reenter the job market. It's an undeniable mess. That's where my ideals meet with Bernie. 15 dollars an hour is a stepping stone to a much larger problem that has existed for a couple decades now.

I have no idea how someone can support Obamacare and not get the incentives for single payer health care. I've been fortunate-ish to have been injured in a socialist healthcare country and was fixed immediately and professionally, and from what I have personally seen and experienced in the countries providing that care, it shouldn't even be a debate. Give us healthcare.

FDR fan I see. Is that supposed to appease me or affect me in any way? This is the same man who said, "No business which depends on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country... And by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." So we can go tit for tat on how we interpret FDR.

All in all, thank you for at least illustrating your points. Condescendingly (if I was younger would that make me less credible?) but you did elaborate, so thanks. As a side note, you'll notice that I didn't need to touch on how ruthlessly corrupt Hillary is, but it sure will be apparent when she's elected. Science help us all.

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