Sanders supporters are planning a massive 4-day protests to disrupt the Democratic convention.

Yep. In this situation:

  • Abortion will be ruled as illegal

  • Same sex marriage will be banned

  • Separation of church and state will be completely eroded.

  • Civil Rights will be destroyed... You think Trump's Muslim Auscwitz will be ruled unconstitutional by a court handpicked by him?

  • Health care will be sent back to private compabies. Obama care gutted.

This election is terrifying because it has the potential to decimate our checks and balences. We could be looking at up to four Supreme Court vacancies in the next four years. We have a US legislature that already refuses to do jack shit, and a potential candidate for POTUS who I fear greatly has no intention of following the rules or giving a damn about checks and balences.

And do you think a handpicked supreme Court is going to rule against Trump when he sets up internment camps, or orders soldiers going door to door forcibly finding illegal immigrants or announces his presidency for life? Do you really expect the broken congressional Republicans that have been holding our country hostage for six years to impeach him? Republicans had - still have - the ability to stop this insanity. They could stand up on the stage at the convention and announce that they refuse to be the party of fascism and announce the Kasich, or Cruz, or Romney is the nominee and bite the bullet to save the country. But increasingly they refuse. They seem to honestly think it is better to let Trump run then save their sorry excuse of a party. So why should we trust them to step in when shit goes down?

The scary thing is, I have no confidence that Trump has any intentions of acting in good political will. All he really cares about is absolute power and his own massive ego. Ultimately, I view a Trump election as being the definitive end of America.

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