Sandy Hook Father Dies in Apparent Suicide

You're speculating on the victim's motives which is terrifyingly insensitive.

"You're not only incorrect in your facts and reasoning, but a bad person." -- typical reddit devolution of debate. Not everyone who disagrees with you does so because they are bad or have malicious motives. Weird as it may seem, not everyone who disagrees with you is fundamentally incorrect. It's possible for two people to both be fundamentally correct, but see an issue from such different perspectives that they can still disagree while both being right and good people. But everyone wants to win-- and not only win the argument, but appear to be the superior person in every regard...and that means painting your opponent as a villain. It's unfortunate, frustratingly common, and a barrier to learning, understanding and cooperation. I'm sure you didn't consciously set out to lower the quality of discourse, but that is what you did.

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