[Sanity Sunday] At least this person gets it

I am going to disagree with the self-diagnosis comment.

I think used correctly self-diagnosis is a good tool for someone who is struggling with mental or physical health. Having a somewhat idea of what is going on will help your doctor out immensely.

Rather than dumping all of your symptoms on them if you come in with a few ideas of what could be happening they could apply their knowledge better.

Also I think self-diagnosis is a good tool (also used correctly) when being professionally diagnosised is not possible due to your situation. Seeing a pyschologist, especially a specialist, is often expensive and burdensome.

I live in a rural part of the midwest. I sought treatment for an eating disorder. There was one therapist that specialized in eating disorders in a 200-mile radius. I had to drive 2 hours once a week to go see them. Thankfully they gave me a huge discount because of my situation. By 'self-diagnosising' myself with anorexia, I acknowledged there was an issue and I sought out self-help. I learned what I could on my own to help me while I couldn't access treatment.

With all of this said, I think it is just absurdity for tons of people on Tumblr to have DID (which is disputably not a real disorder), Schizo-typal disorders or extremely severe disorders. These disorders fuck you up and make you completely incapable of doing anything, let alone posting on Tumblr or complaining to others.

The ones that piss me off the most are the ones who self-diagnosis themselves as "Autistic". Why? "Because I am awkward and shy".

Fuck you. And these are the same kinds of people that go around insulting others and literally having emotional outbursts in public then saying "I can't help it! I'm an aspie!".

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - imgur.com