I saw two guys walking around in same outfit with their dog, so I ask them if they were gay.

No one really uses it anymore, to be honest, and the term went away in the 1980s once Americans realized gay rights activists were right and there was rampant discrimination. So - to be fair and to diminish discrimination, we just eliminated the term from our vocabulary. Altogether. Anyone using it we largely regard as immature, so it seldom happens anymore.

The n-word isn't taboo if you're black. But if you aren't, then it has a totally different meaning, right? The same can't be said of the word faggot. Gays self identify as gays and generally take offense to the term fag. It was and still is a derogatory term. I myself, choose to respect them, and accordingly, just don't use the term.

Your culture is different. This is American English, we have a COMPLETELY different history linguistically than Russia does, and probably a lot more sensitivity to emotions of others with our language, ya know?

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just was curious about your country. Always have been :-)

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