Blonde - Ouch

In old country,is foolish peasant girl. Head is red like fire of burning traitors in the gulag. Such color is rare in old country. Descendants must be from outside. Always be suspicious of such women,comrades. Peasant girl enter Russian embassy to see physician,says,Body hurt wherever is touched!

Physician shake head,say,Is impossible. Demonstrate.

Peasant girl take finger,push on mysterious mammary part. Scream like dying fascist in Stalingrad. Push elbow,scream even greater loud. Ppush knee,scream,push ankle,scream. Everywhere is touch,is scream!

Physician say,Must not be original red hair. Must be blond like good Latvian. Head is on fire. Physician take bucket of water,dump on head of peasant girl. By Lenin! Hair was on fire. Fire is now out! Is blond like good Latvian. This is reason why every part hurt. When hair is on fire,comrades,everything hurt. This is good way to tell if head is on fire.

Also,says physician,sore body is symptom of starving to death. Sure enough,peasant girl starve to death at very moment. How smart are physicians in the old country. And how scarce are potato.

Body of peasant girl is burn for warmth. Perhaps not freeze this winter.

/r/Jokes Thread