Scientists in the near future discover that time travel is possible going in the past only and once a timeline has time traveled it cannot do so again. (More Info in Text) [WP]

"It's fairly simple right?" I couldn't believe what my partner was saying, and it all made sense.

Only, it wasn't so simple when the plan was made up.

Our names are Don Johnson (me) and Tess Whitman. We are two political scientists from the 2100s, part of a cutting edge research firm called Revitalize International. Let me backtrack and explain. This isn't even where we wanted to be! Well, I guess the word is "when" although semantics don't matter when you're stuck in space time. We were set to go back to 1544 AD. Climate change, natural resource deficiency, and world angst have plagued our world. It was our job to study the Renaissance Golden Age, the period of some of the most remarkable human advancement pre technology, to help possibly revitalize our culture. Trained in postmidevil culture and classical Italian, we were prepared to be dropped into the time period complete with classical clothing. However, something must have went wrong with the interface. I could've been sure it was going to work as intended.

We are currently back in Ancient Rome circa 44 BC. This is going to be a lot to explain, and maybe someday in the far future people will find this log. We had prepared a capsule that will keep the log protected in case of an emergency like this.

Anyways, you could never guess where we dropped in. This time, I do mean a physical location.

I'll run this through step by step.

We step into the time machine, which is more of telephone booth for two. The lab was located in Italy, where we wanted to wind up in the first place. We just as practiced punched in our temporal location and with a flash of light we were sent away. Strange things happened in that immediate lapse. It felt as though I was being stretched to eternity and simultaneously squeezed through a straw at the same time. I know that this is something similar to what happens when you fall beyond the event horizon in a black hole. I don't know enough about the science to speculate, but my own personal interest in astronomy from when I was a child gives me enough information to think that whatever those scientists created can punch a hole in space and time.

When we finally reappear, we are in a very old hall building. It didn't look right, it didn't feel right. Almost immediately we realize we have fallen between an argument between what looks to be ancient government officials. A group of 5 had cornered one man with his back against the wall. They were armed with daggers.

"E tu, Brute?"

I couldn't believe it, and nor could they all because immediately after those words, which were being delivered just as we arrived, they all turned towards us. I guess the noise we made was enough to alert the guards, who came rushing in at the noise of conflict. The men tried to fight but were quickly surrounded and arrested.

We had prevented the death of Julius Caesar.

(I'll continue this when I have a chance later, if anyone is interested. I'm a little occupied at the moment.)

/r/WritingPrompts Thread