Scumbag van driver flips off and throws bottle at biker. The biker returns the favor (1:39)

i'm a daily rider, nearly as long as you, and commuter in los angeles. even in a city as moto "friendly" as this, there are plenty of aggressive assholes in cars that have some excessive hatred for motorcyclists. i ride a custom cafe, lane split/filter only at stoplights and don't bang around stop signs and swerve into oncoming lanes to avoid a hold up. i signal. i do my best to make others aware of my existence. drivers STILL act like cunts with alarming regularity. a few years back, had a guy get out of his vehicle and attempt to yank me by the collar of my jacket because he didn't think i should be lane splitting.

i'm sure the rider in the video was more of a cock than he let on, but to be in a van and throw any type of object at a guy on two wheels is atrocious.

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