seeing players and pros convert to gwent warms my heart.

I think current metadata from the past 2 months kind of refutes some of your claims, but then again we have dofferent ideas of a healthy meta.. Meta data points to the fact that Quest Rogue has a large skill barrier with lower ranking players doing abysmally with it. The WR difference between quest rogue at legend vs lower ranks is quite large. Also, Ungoro has shifted the format to support midrange decks where in MSOG you played 2 kinds of decks at the top end to be competitive: Reno and Pirates. Now we actually have alternate options for aggro, as well as midrange decks which weren't really around in MSOG. Quest warrior, I will admit, is boring.

I would say this meta is the healthiest it has been in a lonnnnnnggg while because: There are about half a dozen competitive level decks, with another 6 viable lower tier decks.

The meta has changed from week to week, unlike in MSOG and after other releases where the meta is solved in about 2 weeks.I think 8/9 classes have had a moment in the sun during this meta.

I do agree that moving forward some cards nred a rework- rogue quest and jade-since these cards limit design space (I don't think jade is a problem but it hard counters every control deck)

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