"Sen. Kamala Harris opposed legalizing marijuana, didn't support body cams or having her office investigate police shootings and she fought to keep prisoners proven innocent in prison and you're worried about her blackness? I'm worried about her f**king politics!

The more I see the dogs circle around Harris the more I’m starting to like her. Like some of these attacks are just completely off, which makes me question all of the attacks.

Like the first one here is that Harris opposes legalized marijuana. That’s not really true. She came out in favor in 2018 and supported Bookers bill in 2017 to deschedule it.

And this was her position in 2014 when running for Senate:

“I am not opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I’m the top cop, and so I have to look at it from a law enforcement perspective and a public safety perspective,” Harris told BuzzFeed News in an interview in Washington, D.C. “I think we are fortunate to have Colorado and Washington be in front of us on this and figuring out the details of what it looks like when it’s legalized.”

“We’re watching it happen right before our eyes in Colorado and Washington. I don’t think it’s gonna take too long to figure this out,” Harris said. “I think there’s a certain inevitability about it.”

That’s a hemming and hawing politician answer, but it’s definitely not being opposed.

If your critique of the woman is that she seems trapped in the mid-2000s establishment Dem world that the people have been leaving behind 2016, that’s 100% valid and reason enough to vote against her. But some of the stretches people are pulling to make her into a female Jeff Sessions are absurd.

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