[Serious]Atheists of reddit why don't you believe?

When I was a kid I made my parents buy me this bootleg metallica cassette from a trade fair since my older cousins would always be listening to them. I couldn't wait to show them my tape cause I wanted to be cool to them. When I finally got the chance to show them, they told me that it wasn't the real thing and how they had all these original records. I was around 10 back then and it hurt me a lot, a lot more than it should have. So on my way home I prayed to god to destroy his favorite cassette. Fast forward a couple of days, I visit them again and see them fiddling with a cassette and reeling in tapes to make sure they are lined up. I asked them what happened and they said the tape had got jammed and he was trying to fix it. It was a genuine black album cassette that he had gotten from one of his aunts. I don't know why I'm rambling about something so old but I haven't thought about this in a while and this thread made me remind it. I was certain it was God and he had listened to me. It made me feel so special. I feel like this is a very personal thing for this very reason. You don't know what series of events led a persons life that made him believe or not believe in sth that seemed reasonable or unreasonable for that matter. I can never prove if god exists, or even if he does, he is as religions portray him to be. But small things like that can have a big effect on people. I went from being religious to non religious to completely anti religious and now back to being religious again. Well not really religious, but I do have this feeling that there is something else at play that we are oblivious too. Sorry for the long post just bored at work

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