(Serious) Citizens of Protect and Serve: Give me your honest thoughts about Police Officers.

I'm someone who's on the younger side of his 20's, and I've had some interesting experiences with the police. I have several friends and family members who are/were cops and from the stories they've said and what I've experienced I feel as if there might be an unspoken schism in many forces that results from seniority and just general policing biases.

The time I got in trouble I was DD'ing for several friends who had been drinking and wanted to go hangout in a field at night. Shortly after we get there a car pulls in and shines its high beams on us, then we hear some dude yelling "come over here" at us and shining a flashlight in our faces...so we book it because we have no idea who it is. Cue us getting stuck in a massive swamp/thornbush with cops yelling at us and K9's barking....

Half of the sheriffs on duty that night had shown up, put us in cuffs and tried to get me to admit to drinking and driving. It took me over an hour of repeating the truth (that i was sober) to be released with a court summons for possession of alcohol underage that ended up with an ACD. The deputy who's cruiser I was interrogated in straight up told me that because we made the fat cop run we were getting citations. I wish that was false but it isn't.

Several months later, my landlord decided to rent out the extra room in the house I live in to one of our brothers who we'll call Jerry. (who was kicked out of fraternity after this) who had just been released from the hospital/psych due to melting his brain on certain drugs that aren't always what they seem. He was older, and had failed out of school several years previous. I knew him because he had tried to sell shitty weed to a few of us freshmen year. No one really liked him or felt comfortable around him but because he was a brother we took him in and figured we'd help him stay clean and turn his life around.

He was given some drug that if you take too much of it it mimics the effects of LSD in some shape or form. Anyways, that night he was acting kind of odd (in a scary way) so while we figured out what to do I ended up smoking some weed with him because weed is usually petty good for calming down people and we played video games for an hour or two and he was "normal" for a bit.

I ended up going to bed around 10 after finishing up some stuff for a project and around 1am hear pounding on my door. So I cautiously walk over to the door and one of my good friends (also risk management VP) is at the door. He tells me to get dressed and I know it isn't good.

Turns out he had gone full fucking loony after I went to sleep. We got him onto campus and tried to good samaritan him to the hospital. Campus police was useless and drove him to a friends house that didn't exist.

They had to release him after a certain point and the next day he's spotted walking down a road heading to where the house was. Shirtless, carrying a rock.

My roomate and I get a call. We speed back to our house and our 2VP drives past the house, sees him looking windows still shirtless, and holding the rock. 911 gets called.

A couple cruisers pull into a parking lot next door as several of us (brothers) try to talk to Jerry and get him out o the house with his stuff. He's been evicted and booted from the fraternity & local chapter at this point. He won't leave and is displaying symptoms common to heroin use. He eventually just wanders off down the road.

Roomate and I get lunch (attempt 2) and as we're driving back a cruiser and a van go flying past us...we somehow know we're involved with this.

We turn onto our road and there's a collection of cruisers and Jerry's bag is visible. We keep going and I turn into our driveway a quarter mile later. Roomate and I quickly walk the property with a baseball bat lmaking sure everything is how it's supposed to be. We watch as a cruiser pulls into our driveway and I talk to the deputy. Turns out Jerry was running down the main drag with a fake pistol. I emphasized that the kid has destroyed his brain on drugs and needed help more than anything and we didnt want any charges pressed based on what had happened at our place and last we knew of, Jerry was not in jail and living with some family.

Both instances involved the same department and the deputies involved ranged from people who gave off the vibe they cared and just wanted to do their job to some younger guys who had massive egos and wanted to swing the big gnarled stick of "justice" at anyone they came across.

/r/ProtectAndServe Thread