[SERIOUS] Fathers who abandoned your family, why'd you do it?

I haven't done it yet, but as of this moment, I have my bags packed and some cash set aside for this exact thing. I have 2 kids I never wanted. My wife insisted that it would be great being a parent. I didn't agree. For 6 years after we got married she pressured me to have kids. I finally gave in because I thought that's what would make her happy. So we had a kid.

Before the kid was 2 she was already talking about having another kid. So, yeah, 2 years later we have 2 kids. My 7 year old has something called ODD. Not OCD, not ADHD, ODD. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The kid literally can not take no for an answer and can not go 10 minutes without arguing, picking a fight with my wife, my other kid, myself, or anyone else she can piss off. You know the worst internet troll you've ever encountered? Well she's that, but a 7 year old girl. The abusive language and behaviour are shocking and sickening. She's been this way for almost 3 years, and every form of treatment and therapy hasn't done fuck-all.

For the last 6 months I cry myself to sleep at least three nights a week because a dad isn't supposed to hate his children. But I resent my wife so much for getting me into this mess, and I can't even look my daughter in the eye, or have even the slightest affectionate moment with her without feeling a seething rage that makes me want to jump on a plane and fly as far away as possible. At the beginning I actually thought it was kind of cool being a dad. I legitimately loved my daughter like I never loved anyone or anything in my life. I even told my wife she was right...this was awesome. Now, as I said, I can't even look at her face.

She takes up so much time and energy (emotional and physical) that I don't even have a relationship with my 2 year old son. I literally just feed him and make sure he's clean and safe the same way you would for a neighbour's cat. I'm so detached from him because a) I don't want to fall in love with him like I did with her and have my heart ripped out of my chest again, and b) I feel like he's the cause of her most recent escalated bad behaviour, and I resent him for it as much as I resent my wife.

So anyway, I'm sitting here at work right now trying to think of a good reason to stay with my family. My wife makes 2X what I make, my daughter, in spite of all of her emotional issues is a prodigy level dancer who is constantly being recruited by some of the most nationally known dance companies in Canada, and my son...well I honestly don't know anything about him. So they'll be fine without me. And goddamnit I can't come up with a single good reason to stay. I might not even go home from work tonight.

/r/AskReddit Thread