[serious] Guys who like to comment vulgar stuff on NSFW subs about what they'd do to said women, what do you get from doing that? What do you feel it accomplishes?

it's just guys showing off for one another and looking for upvotes. You'll get all types of answers but at the end of the day if they knew no one else would see their comment they wouldn't even leave it in the first place. Also alot of it is just locker room talk, they wouldn't actually do most of what they claim they would. Just remember that only small percentage of the world actually comments on the internet, 90% of people that watch youtube never even comment. That's why you see things like a video having 40 million views with 75,000 comments. The nice thing is that in the small world of people that do comment on the internet, I'd say that 90% of us are normal humans but along with that we are stuck having to deal with the bottom of the barrel of societies trash humans. We all know who they are they are basement dwellers in moms house, pedophiles, fake tough guys, guys who are losers in real life and they get their daily does of feeling powerful by saying creepy shit to women or going to a kids video that is dying of cancer and they tell him to hurry up and die. You can tell everything about a person by what they comment. I always find it funny when I see someone who is just being a dirtbag or just being a nasty hater because they are the ones that try to convince you that their life is good but the truth is failure has to be explained ,success speaks for itself, you will never find a successful person commenting hate on the internet, it just wont happen. So when you see a certain type of comment just remember what kind of person it took to leave that certain comment in the first place. It's very easy to see those nasty pathetic comments in those NSFW subreddits and think to yourself that all guys are dirtbags but in reality 9 out of ten guys that say they would do weird shit to woman would be the first to help her move a couch or fix her car if needed.

/r/AskReddit Thread