[Serious]How are you? Are you okay?

Terrible. Need some advice.

So here's some back story. One of my really close friends is depressed. She talks to me about wanting to kill herself and asks me not to tell her boyfriend or anyone else. One day it was really bad and she was telling me about how she really wanted to but was too scared of the pain which is why she hadn't yet and it really took a toll on me. What she doesn't know (or anyone else for that matter) is that I had attempted suicide a couple times in the past so I could really relate to her. I tried really hard to be supportive and convince her life is worth living and there's no reason to have these awful thoughts. That was about 3 weeks ago.

After this conversation with her I texted my cousin (who I am very close with) about what happened and asked for his advice. Now my cousin doesn't know anything about her except for what I've told him and she doesn't know anything about my cousin either. Last week I mentioned in a text about the conversation we had about my friend wanting to kill herself but it was in an unrelated context. Last night my friend saw that text.

Now she's extremely mad at me for talking to my cousin about it. I don't blame her at all for this. It is 100% my fault. I broke her trust and she has a right to be mad. The thing is though I really needed to talk to someone about this because I didn't know what to do. I tried explaining this to her after she saw the text but she wouldn't listen. Just kept telling me to stop talking to her and to leave her alone. I really don't know what to do. I feel so terrible. The worst part is she told me that she's doesn't talk to anyone else about this kinda stuff when she's sad so I'm scared now if she's ever feeling down again she won't even try talking to me about it and do something unimaginable. It took me hours to convince her to talk to her therapist about her feelings and to take her medications. This friendship honestly means a lot to me and I don't know what to do. If she does do something I know that it is 100% my fault and I won't be able to live with myself.

/r/AskReddit Thread