[Serious] How can parents who do not want their children to return to school, yet cannot afford to stay home to homeschool, receive funding to pay for your child to be homeschooled by another parent (homeschooling their children)?

Thank you for your concern. But by me being with my child in public should a horrific event arise, I would be most concern with their safety as opposed to my child being in an enclosed room of hysterical people looking out for theirselves.

In the good ole days, maybe it would of been considered depriving, but seems the world has increased the level of uncontrollable violence and is more and more unpredictable, it is not only my duty but my obligation to take the necessary precautions for my child.

In searching the links others have provided in this thread, my thought process is not uncommon. There is an argument mainly because the schools loose funding for each seat thats not filled. My concern is not to not fill the seat cause they’ll get my tax dollars any way, my concern is not having My child fill the seat.

We’re at 250 shootings this year. I’m one of the ones that will not close my eyes because it didn’t happen to me.

The children talk and are aware of the fanatic events. They too have questions and are looking over their shoulder, this is crippling to their emotions and growth.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent