[Serious]Men and boys who have been raped, sexually harassed, or physically abused by women and girls what was your story?

You are hilariously conflating race with political beliefs. The reason your analogy doesn't work is because a race does not make someone bad or good, whereas a belief system very much can. A belief system is also a choice.

Saying that people hate feminism because a lot of feminists are hypocritical misandrists who victim blame is no more automatically invalid than saying that people hate MRA's because they are hypocritical misogynists who victim blame. Both could be true, if proven. Neither one is the racist snap judgment of hating all black people because one held you up. Hating a political group for its beliefs is in no way similar to racism.

In fact, saying that people only hate feminists because of misogyny is like saying that people who hate Republicans must be racist and pro-slavery. (Because Republicans were the ones who initially abolished slavery.)

Even though the group has changed since then, you are using the good they did in the past to defend them forever. You refuse to acknowledge the reality of how the movement has changed. I say this as a male victim of sexual abuse, (by a male), and a former feminist. There are good feminists. Unfortunately, the most vocal and largest group is a mockery of itself. They use women in third world countries (women who think they are insane and want nothing to do with them) as armor to protect their ridiculous campaigns about freebleeding and manspreading.

They, as we have witnessed, use a conversation about the rape of males as an opportunity to try to say that men are worse than women, despite the reality that 1 in 21 males are forced to penetrate (that is, are raped by women.) Almost exactly the same as the number (1 in 20) of women who are raped by men. And only 1 in 71 men are raped by men. So you saying that men rape more men is blatantly false, and yet more feminist propaganda like the 1 in 4 rape number, taken out of context from a tiny and misled sample size. Feminism today is more concerned with demonising men, as you have demonstrated, than actually helping women who need it or seeing reality.

Furthermore, many people deny that men can be raped by women; mostly feminists, who insist that men have too much power in society to be raped. The belief is that men always want sex, but in reality, this thread is dispproving that. And you, a feminist, have taken issue with it. Again. You are one of the people making feminists look bad.

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