[Serious] Men and women of Reddit, when was the last time you cried?

I get choked up/teared up in almost everything that is the least bit emotional. From movies like "Up," "Wall-E" and "Fox and the Hound," to "Grover Goes To School." Last time I got severely choked up--almost to the point of crying--was a segment of Ken Burns' "The War," that gets me every time (for those of you who watched, when Olga Ciarlo reads her letter out loud to her brother, Babe, who was killed in Italy).

Until very recently, I'd get choked up thinking about things I should've said--hybrid stand-up-for-myself/communicate-relationship-issues-better things--to my most recent ex-girlfriend who turned out to not be a great person.

Dangerously close to real crying around 2008 when I was there to help put a very beloved family dog to sleep. I'd grown up with tons of dogs and cats my whole life and loved almost all of them. So I was surprised--even considering how much I loved him--to feel AS emotional over this dog that had a long, full, wonderful life.

Confession: I fake-cried to a girl circa-2005. I felt awful and maybe would've otherwise cried for real, but was in a deep depression in that time, and emotionally numb. She always said I was too stoic, and was I hoping that'd sway her or convince her of my feelings (Nothing bad happened. Just years of being friends and confusion beyond friendship came to an emotional head a couple of times around then. We ended up ending all communication within a year).

Last time I REALLY cried: Novemberish 2003 at an aunt's funeral. Loved my aunt, and at the time, my mom was having severe G.I. issues and looked like a human skeleton. I was sure, for a while, that she'd be next.

I wish I could cry more for things in real life. There are times when I get really down and wish I had that release.

/r/AskReddit Thread