[Serious] Parents of Reddit who decided to cut contact with your children, what's the story?

My parents say the same thing. That they only have three daughters, bc of everything my oldest sister put them through.

She'd always been pretty awful to me and my other sisters. My parents thought she had some mental problem and tried to find a way to help her, but I think her problem is that she's an asshole who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else.

Once she hit 30 all the consequences from her drinking and drug use and just all-around total asshole behavior finally caught up to her, and she handled it by blaming everything on my parents.

She went to rehab and begged my dad to pay for it (it was at least $10,000), saying how sorry she was and how she needed to get better, while also blaming her issues on my mom (who's been divorced from my dad for years).

The second that check was in the mail, she suddenly changed her tune, saying that everything she'd even done wrong in her life was bc of how my dad "abused" her.

She would go on and on to me about how they horribly abused her, when in fact (I am old enough to remember), she was an abusive bully to me and especially my older sister.

All the "abuse" she suffered was my parents trying to control her and get her to stop physically assaulting her younger sisters.

After trying to talk to her, I finally cut her out of my life too. I honestly couldn't tell if she truly believed the stories she made up or if she just needed someone to blame for the fact that she ruined her own life.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent