[Serious] Parents/teens who have been involved in a cyber-bullying incident, what happened? What was the offense, how did the school respond, and what was the outcome?

When my younger sister was 12 (two years ago), she "dated" a kid in her grade. When she broke up with him, he made inappropriate/degrading comments about her on his Instagram. She decided to stand up for herself, only to be attacked by all his friends in the comments AND his own father.

It started to become a heated gossip topic in school and my sister was super uncomfortable, so my mother called the principal to see what they could do... they told her they couldn't do anything since nothing happened on school property, even though the after effects of it were clearly taking a toll on her.

My sister is mature for her age, having four much older siblings, dresses pretty edgy and speaks her mind often, but she isn't provocative or devious.

The next year, she got suspended for posing in a photo in the gym (during school hours) that another girl posted on her Snapchat. She got kicked off the basketball team and National Honors Society. The worst part is that taking photos in school and posting them to social media is an everyday thing for a lot off middle schoolers, but the only reason she got suspended is that it was anonymously reported by another student.

So some little prick who rallied a group of bullies against her gets off scot free and she got suspended for posing in a selfie.

I think the biggest issue is that even in 2017 schools don't have concrete rules in place for social media/internet activity and it basically comes down to what the principal thinks should happen.

/r/AskReddit Thread