(Serious) people who failed school or got terrible grades, what happened?

I almost flunked out of my catholic high school 3 times. I wouldn't do homework and after a while would be failing all my classes. I couldn't tell you why i didn't do the work, i would sit and stare at my HW for hours and eventually would fall asleep and then get crippling anxiety the next day when i got to class. Before every semester i would tell myself that i was going to do better and get above a 3.0 gpa. This happened once my freshman year, another time in my sophmore year, and again in my junior year. I would be failing 5 classes out of my 7 a month before the semester was over and every time my counselor and my parents would discuss taking me out of the school, then i would get my grades up to passing at the last second. I graduated though. Never had a GPA higher than 2.8 and it made me really fucking depressed and suicidal, still does honestly. I got rejected from two universities, and watched all of my good friends get scholarships and awards. Really did a number on my self esteem. So i'm going to community college, still really hard sometimes to do hoemwork and such, but i'm doing better so far i think. Starting to forgive myself which is good.

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