[Serious] People who got a no for their wedding (proposal), what happened and did you expect it?

Not exactly relevant here, but here is the story. I couldn't muster the courage to ask her directly. So I told her this: "Imagine there is an alternate universe, where there is an earth, and there is our city and there are two people just like us sitting. Do you think if the guy proposed to that girl, she would accept?". She said a curt no.

Well it did not end there. We at one point actually decided to get married. But her father raised the objection that I was not culturally appropriate for his daughter, being from another state and thus a lot of invisible factors come into play. Later her elder sister told me that she did not feel like I was settled enough for her sister. As someone who passed out of medschool from nation's top institute, that hurt.

To be fair, we decided to stay friends. That was until I went ahead and messed that up in a single second of insanity. It was a moment of realization for me too. I have actually bottomed out.

I was in love. Last time we met, she said it was nothing more than an affectionate friendship to her. What wouldn't I have given to have a superpower that would make her fall in love with me.

All those who wrote and said love is a beautiful feeling and shit, well fuck you.

/r/AskReddit Thread