[Serious] People who work in Hollywood... What's the most fucked up thing you've witnessed in the business?

(reddit says not to mention names so ok)

Last year I was working on the afternoons/nights as a housekeeper/turndown attendant on a high class hotel in the town where Sundance is held. Saw lots of famous people, most of them were very nice but some of them were crazy. And their rooms, gosh some where completely trashed!

Fucked up thing? The hotel had as a policy that when a guests asks for directions you have to take them to the place they want to get to, instead of just poiting and telling them where it is (tho mosts guests don't mind, and are happy to find the place by themselves).

So one day I was doing my job and the (now ex) husband of one of the sisters of a very well known reality show comes up to me asking where's the pool. Now, this was a super busy day, I'm doing 20 rooms in three hours, so I just told him where it was and tried to walk away. He stood there and -I kid you not- cleared his throath and was like "so, are you going to take me there or what?". I smiled and did as he asked but oh my god his tone was so petty, I hated him.

On the other hand, other husband from the same sisters, a rapper with a bad reputation... was actually a sweetheart! At least to the people working at the hotel. He always was very polite to everyone and not very demanding.

Other anecdotes cause I also worked during the day in a shop at the main avenue, where the festival was happening:

  • I saw one of the one direction guys being literally chased down by girls while trying to get in his car. He seemed nice but poor guy was nearly killed by fans.

  • The girl from kick-ass, she's veeery nice. She tooks pics with all the fans, especialy young ones, and was very sweet to everyone.

  • Also, I met the warboy from mad max on the street while going to work. It was super early in the morning and the street was totally empty so he could had been an asshole and turned away without anyone caring, but he talked to me for like five minutes and took a pic with me. Cool guy, I liked him a lot.

/r/AskReddit Thread